Saturday, 22 February 2014

In a week or so I will be turning 37, which is not a massive deal but it takes me from the mid to late thirties. Yet I still feel like I'm 19.
I look at these teenagers who were little people just the other day and I feel how fast this stage of my life is going by so I am going to try to keep track of some of the big and not so big events that make up our days.

Dan is fishing, so the kids and I had a busy-ish day. My clarinet is sounding very bad and I am sure it is not just my rusty crusty playing skills, so I have taken to 'town' for a service. I hope they impart some magic oil that will make me understand and then brilliantly play the music for the show, cos right now I'm freaking out about putting my hand up in the first place.

We called into the hospital and had a visit with my longest ever knows me bestest friend. It is scary to see her in hospital beds, and I feel bad that I haven't visited her in the last few admissions. It's scary. Not the hospital itself part (I'm a nurse) but the her being sick and all that implies part. I don't want her to be sick. I don't want to think about a life without her there in it somewhere. So I am taking the Scarlett O'Hara approach and will think about it another day.

I also wasted an hour long workout this morning by eating a mars bar this afternoon. Jeans felt tighter instantly. face palm.

Five hebes have joined the front garden. The stupid gum tree limb that has smashed the garden near my tanks took out three birds of paradise on it's way down yesterday. I have dug these up and replanted them in the front garden this afternoon. Wonder if they will grow.
The front garden is taking on a spiky succulent vibe. The yukkas are having babies which I am tending in the shadehouse for a bit and then they will find a place in the garden too.
It appears I have run over the hose as a giant split shot water up my legs when I turned it on earlier. Awesome!  At least it has drowned some of the five million ants that are everywhere in the whole bloody garden.

I am guessing no one but me will every read this. If you are reading this.. Hi!

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